Varaahamihira quotation

Valerie J Roebuck vjroebuck at APPLEONLINE.NET
Thu Jul 27 09:38:30 UTC 2000

An earlier one:

yA pUrvakarmaprabhavasya dhAtrI
     dhAtrA lalATe likhitA pras'astiH
tAM s'Astram etat prakaTaM vidhatte
     dIpo yathA vastughane 'ndhakAre.

MInarAja, VRddhayavanajAtaka I.3 (c. 4th century CE)

Martin Gansten writes:

>Balabhadra in his Horaaratna quotes the following verse from Varaaha(mihira):
>yad upacitam anyajanmani zubhaazubha.m tasya paktim /
>vyañjayati zaastram etat tamasi diipa iva //
>I have not been able to locate this verse either in the B.rhajjaataka or
>the B.rhatsa.mhitaa. Does anyone recognize it? (References to similar
>verses, linking astrology with karman, are also very welcome.)

Dr Valerie J Roebuck
Manchester UK

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