Rajaram's horse-bull, better pics

Rajarshi Banerjee rajarshi.banerjee at SMGINC.COM
Wed Jul 26 17:53:48 UTC 2000

The first picture is a unicorn 771.           I did not find 453 ??

772A and 772a are also relevant and carry the same script symbols.

looking at 772A It looks like the penis is just a part of the crack. The
animal could be a unicorn but the crack has effectively circumcised it ( the
seal does come from pakistan ). Or maybe there is none where we are looking.

The bovine tail with a tuft at the end in 772a is not clearly defined as in
other seals and not visible in 772A. This can be attributed to erosion but
the hoof detail might belie that. Its inconclusive and just might be that of
a horse.

If 1034 does indeed have the same symbols then its a clincher the animal is
a unicorn / bovine. But two of the script symbols match reducing the
probability somewhat.The other seals are more damaged. Also there are no
other horse seals so going by probability its more likely that the animal is
a bull.

I am assuming ofcourse that there is always a one to one correspondence
between script symbol sequences and the pictorials as SAF has said. There
may be better copies to be unearthed.

The presence of the horse does not really does not bolster any one scenario.
I would be surprised if the IVC showed absolutely no evidence of horse bones
even if their population was low.


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