[Re: [[OT] taqdiir kaa sikandar]]

Jogesh Panda jogeshpanda at NETSCAPE.NET
Thu Jul 20 17:32:41 UTC 2000

Raveen Satkurunathan wrote:

>>How about the Nuristani Kalasha of Afghanistan's cultural memory of

How about what? Any pre-16th century Nuristani Kalasha text that exists and
mentions Alexander? I will be interested to know. As about the 19th century
theory that the Nuristanis were descendants of Alexander's army, that has long
since been abandoned. No more "The-man-who-would-be-king" type of trivializing
history. The alleged "cultural memory" was/is created by 19th century
colonialist theorizing zeal.

>>as well as Alexander-> Skanda as proposed by some?

Very unlikely, as has been shown by other members. Seems extra-scholarly to
me. I think this topic has privileged membership; is too transparent; and
furthermore I am afraid of the incorrigibility of the initiates.

Best wishes.

Jogesh Panda

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