Advaita and MAdhyamaka
nanda chandran
vpcnk at HOTMAIL.COM
Tue Jul 18 17:11:09 UTC 2000
I'm still not sure why I even ventured into this enterprise. Wasn't my
experience in the Advaita list enough to show me that with you, there's
little place for reason in a discussion. Theaterics, distortion, evasion,
distraction - everything goes in an argument - except reason.
>I am prepared to substantiate my understanding with primary
>quotations from nAgArjuna, gauDapAda and Sankara, and have
>done that elsewhere already.
AFAIK, when we'd that month long debate on the Advaita list, you never
produced any such evidence. While you monotonously harped about listening to
"tradition which says both systems are different", I took pains to quote
from all the related texts and explain why both systems are but approaching
the same goal from different angles. This you evaded by saying you didn't
have the texts for reference at the moment. After which you subsided into
silence and let ignorance and polemical bitterness of others overwhelm my
>I haven't found you backing up your understanding with primary textual
> >evidence.
The evidence is there for all to see in the archives of the Advaita list.
I've quoted from all the related texts - the MAdhyamaka ShAstram, the
PrAjnApAramitA texts, GaudapAdiya KArikA, Shankara's bhAshyams etc
If you want to only look at my argument comparing the Advaita and the
MAdhyamaka without any of the polemical bitterness, take a look at the other
list - the Advaitin list and search for the string, "Understanding
MAdhyamaka". My argument is in six posts and the last part of the article is
called "Advaita - Buddhism in disguise?". This will anyway be displayed if
you search for "Understanding MAdhyamaka".
I don't claim that my arguments are foolproof and final. It is just a
sincere effort to understand the systems. If any errors are pointed out I
would be more than willing to accept and learn.
>Till such time as you do find anything, I won't discuss this any >further.
I needed to hear this from you. One has to pay for his own stupidity.
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