INDOLOGY management

Ashok Aklujkar aklujkar at INTERCHANGE.UBC.CA
Mon Jul 17 10:27:26 UTC 2000

I would like to second the following thoughts:

15 Jul 2000, Bijoy Misra. <Dr Elst,You should make peace and stay in this list....  I appeal to all to forgive each other and look to a distant horizon with zeal and enthusiasm.<

16 Jul 2000, Ulrich T. Kragh. <... postings of mutual defamation and selfdefense are a waste of time. ... A nasty tone only discredits the person who utters such words. ... Anyone using too harsh or degrading expressions about other members of the list should be given a two-week quarantine to cool off.<

16 Jul 2000, Sven Ekelin. <The list manager deserves to be highly commended for his stable efforts to keep this list within the disciplinary scope of indology, and within the limits of common decency.<

I hope that Shrisha Rao, who has made several informative contributions to the list in the past, will be asked to rejoin the list after two weeks.


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