The tone of the IV script decipherment discussion

Dominik Wujastyk ucgadkw at UCL.AC.UK
Sun Jul 16 00:46:32 UTC 2000

I request the participants in the discussion of this topic to adopt a
sober and dry tone, please.  Some postings which disagree with the Rajram
decipherment have a mocking and ironical tenor, and there has even been
some horseplay.  I'm all for fun, even rough fun, but on this occasion I
think that our general purposes as scholars will be best served by taking
the matter of the IV script decipherment attempts as seriously as
possible, and limiting our remarks as far as possible to genuinely
scholarly responses to the matter in hand.  There's no need to be jocose,
and I think we'll all come through this better, learn more, and perhaps
advance knowledge to a greater degree, if we restrain ourselves somewhat.

Incidentally, would like to thank those members who have offered learned
contributions on the topic.

Dominik Wujastyk
Founder, INDOLOGY list

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