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Rajarshi Banerjee rajarshi.banerjee at SMGINC.COM
Fri Jul 14 15:19:37 UTC 2000

Less of Gandhi's
 theatrical moralism and more common sense would have saved numerous lives.

 The Mahatma gave us a peep into the workings of his own mind when he
 refugees from West Panjab in Delhi to return home (and face certain death):
 "If all Panjabis were to die willingly, Panjab will become immortal."
 (someplace in Collins and Lapierre: Freedom at Midnight)  This to refugees
 who had lost everything and seen their relatives butchered; as Alain
 Daniélou has remarked, Gandhi was alternately ice-cold and

Many of gandhijis followers themselves can be quite critical of him. I
personally head angry criticism by a staunch follower on his treatment of a
pregnant kasturba when she refused to clean public latrines in south africa.
This from people who knew him personally and have been staunch followers all
their lives. People do openly discuss his faults rather than just treat him
as some undisputed symbol of morality. There is nothing strange about
treating gandhi as another human being.

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