SV: Harappan Horse Thieves! (Decipherment Debunked)

Lars Martin Fosse lmfosse at ONLINE.NO
Mon Jul 10 09:08:26 UTC 2000

Steve Farmer [SMTP:saf at SAFARMER.COM] skrev 10. juli 2000 01:08:
> As Dr. Elst has indicated in his posts, *single* symbols are read in
> different ways by Jha/Rajaram in different inscriptions. Moreover, the
> same *vowel* symbol can be read differently even in a *single*
> inscription. This gives you more than enough flexibility so that you
> can derive almost *anything* that you want out of any inscription --
> even perhaps the English or Old Norse readings claimed by my unnamed
> Sanskritist friend.
> To my unnamed Sanskritist friend, who I know is listening in: Please
> post your decipherment before it is too late!

I know whom you're talking about. I spoke with him yesterday.
Unfortunately, he is busy right now trying to prove that Egyptian
hieroglyphics are really an early form of Swedish, and this is *hard,
time-consuming work*. I don't think you can expect any new groundbreaking
analyses in the field of Harappan studies from him for next few months.

Best regards,

Lars Martin

Dr. art. Lars Martin Fosse
Haugerudvn. 76, Leil. 114,
0674 Oslo
Phone: +47 22 32 12 19
Fax 1:  +47 22 32 12 19
Fax 2:  +47 85 02 12 50 (InFax)
Email: lmfosse at

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