CARB fonts released

John Smith jds10 at CAM.AC.UK
Mon Jan 24 15:44:52 UTC 2000

Some weeks ago I undertook to build and release fonts containing a large
set of supplementary characters -- characters often needed by people
working in and around Indian Studies, but not available in the standard
CSX+ (and Norman) fonts. The encoding followed by these fonts was to be
called CARB, standing for "Character/Accent RagBag"; the point was to
emphasise the supplemetary nature of the fonts. Mostly one would work in,
say, Times CSX+; occasionally one would switch into Times CARB to use this
or that special character. (CARB does, however, contain all the standard
ASCII characters.)

PC versions of the fonts are now available from my website (URL given
below): follow the "fonts" link and then choose "carb". The README file
gives all relevant information. I hope to create and release Macintosh
versions of the Times fonts in the near future.

John Smith

Dr J. D. Smith                *  jds10 at
Faculty of Oriental Studies   *  Tel. 01223 335140 (Switchboard 01223 335106)
Sidgwick Avenue               *  Fax  01223 335110
Cambridge CB3 9DA             *

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