Obituary for Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Rau

Roland Steiner steiner at MAILER.UNI-MARBURG.DE
Fri Jan 14 12:21:34 UTC 2000

The world of Indology has lost a unique scholar in Prof. Dr.
Wilhelm Rau who passed away on December 29, 1999 after a
protracted illness. The Department of Indology in Marburg from
where he retired regrets his death deeply. He was born on
February 15, 1922. Below is a short academic biography taken
from the homepage of  our Department:

Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Rau was the Director of the Department of
Indology in Marburg from December 1957 till 1988. Trained in
the usual tradition of German classical studies he directed his
philological acumen towards material related to realia (like
weaving, pottery, metal instruments and burning glass) of Vedic
culture and especially to traditional Indian Sanskrit grammar,
winning praise especially for his work on Bhart.rhari. His
academic activities also included editorship of the Orientalische
Literaturzeitung, as chairman of the commission for Indology of
the Mainz Academy in the section for Arts and Social Sciences,
he was responsible for the Critical Pali Dictionary.

> From the members of the staff
Department of Indology
University of Marburg

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