books for sale
john grimes
grimesj at PILOT.MSU.EDU
Mon Jan 10 17:16:42 UTC 2000
Dear members:
I have the following books for sale. If you would like any of them,
please contact me off line at grimesj at There will also be
postage/handling charges. All these books are in very good to excellent to
brand new condition.
A Bridge of Dreams: The Story of Paramananda - Sara Ann Levinsky $8.00
A Dwelling Place for Wisdom - R. Panikkar $6.00 (new)
A Pilgrim Looks at the World, vol 1 Swami Ranganathananda hb $5.00
A Separate Reality - Carlos Castaneda $4.00
Alone with Others - Stephen Batchelor $5.00
Bhagavad Gita as It Is - Bhaktivedanta - $7.00
Bhagavad Gita with the Uttara Gita - Raghavan Iyer $10.00 (new)
Classic Tales of Mulla Nasreddin $4.00
Critical Isues in Modern Religion - Roger Johnson, et al. (new pb $7.00
Cultural Heritage of India: Aspeacts of Buddhist Culture - Subramaniam $5
Dasbodh of Samartha Ramdas - W. G. Tambwekar. $10.00 (new)
Delong: Journey to Realms Beyond Death - Delog Dawa Drolma - new $6.00
Dialogues on Reality - Robert Powell - Blue Dove $5.00
Early Advaita Vedanta & Buddhism - King SUNY new $7.00
Einstein's Space & Van Gogh's Sky - L. Leshan & Henry Margenau $5.00
Focus on Buddhism - McDermott $2.00
Focus on Hinduism - McDermott $2.00
> From the Mating Dance to the Cosmic Dance - - Swami Radha hb new $10.00
Gesture o;f Balance - Tarthang Tulku - $5.00
Ghost Dance, LaBarre $5.00 (new)
Guru Gita Commentary (Shreegurugeetartheshwaree) by Kusumeshwa $5.00
History of God - Karen Armstory HB $10.00 (new)
Iconography of Sadasiva - Sharma - $5.00
Illustrated Ramayana: Rama; The Supreme Personality of Godhead - Swami
Bhaktipad $35.00 beautiful brand-new hb - (New it is $78.00)
Impact of Ramanuja's Teaching on Life and Conditions in India - G Lakshmana
Insight into Yoga - Yoga Guru Mrityunjaya Rao - 2.00
In Search of the Divine Mother (Mother Meera) - Goodman - Harper $5.00
In the Company of the Wise - Swami Radha pb $5.00 (new)
In the Company of the Wise - Swami Sivananda Radha $8.00 (hb new)
In the Dark of the Heart: Song of Meera - S. Futehally - Harper $10.00 new hb
Introduction to Kashmir Shaivism - Muktananda '75 india ed. $2.00
Iyendar: His Life and Work - Timeless Books $5.00
Jerusalem: One City, Three Faiths - Karen Armstrong $10.00 (new)
Kalachakra Tantra: Rite of Initiation- Hopkins $10.00
Kali Puja - Swami Satyananda Saraswati - $5.00
Knowledge and the Sacred - Seyyed Hossein Nasr - SUNY $8.00
Krishna and Christ - Ishanand - 10.00
Krishnamurti and the Rajagopals - Mary Lutyens $5.00
Lectures on the Ramayana, Rt Honorable Srinivasa Sastri HB $8.00
Lectures on Valmiki Ramayana - 6 vols - C Sitamurti's trans of S.
Appalacharyulu's oral discourses in
Telegu $15.00 for set
Madame Blavatsky's Baboon - Peter Washington $10.00 new hb
Merlin - Goodrich $5.00
Mythology - Edith Hamilton hb $5.00
Nectarian Bliss of Sri Radha-Madhava (pamphlet) $2.00
Only Love - Daya Mata $5.00
Papal Haranath pts 1-4 $10.00 (set)
Parahamsa Yogananda: In Memoriam $3.00
Prabhupada - Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami - $5.00
Radha: Diary of a Woman's Search - Swami Radha pb new $5.00
Ramayana C Rajagopalachari Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan $4.00
Rig Veda Samhita vol 1 Bhumika - TV Kapali Sastry $5.00
Self as Image: In Asian Theory and Practice - Ames - SUNY $7.00 (new)
Sense Perception in Science & Sastras, Srinivasan Sharada Peethan, $5.00
Siva Bhakti - R. Nagaswamy - Navrang - $7.00 (hb)
Spiritual Quest: Transcendence in Myth, Religion, Science - R Torrance -U
of CA - $7.00 (new)
Sri Aurobindo Came to Me - Dilip Kumar Roy - Jaico bk $3.00
Sri Lalita Sahasranama - RK Math $5.00 (new)
Sri Visnu Sahasranama - RK Math $5.00 (new)
Srimad Ramayana by DS Sarma RKk Math $4.00
Suresvara's Vartika on Asva/Asvamedha Brahmana - Shoun Hino - 5.00
Swami Gnanananda - Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan $5.00
Thank You and OK: An American Zen Failure in Japan - Chadwick $10 (new)
The Betrayal of Krishna - Krishna Chaitanya - 10.00
The Bodhicaryavatara - Santideva (Oxford new) $5.00
The Buddhist Handbook - Snelling pb 1987 $5.00
The Buddhist Teaching o;f Totality - Garma CC Chang - $7.00
The Heart of the Buddha - Chogyam Trungpa - new $8.00
The Imitation of Christ - Thomas a Kempis pb $3.00
The Jewelled Staircase - Geshe Wangyal - new $6.00
The Logic of God Incarnate - Thomas V Morris (new pb $7.00
The Nectar of the Lord's Feet - Nisargadatta - - Blue Dove $5.00
The Psychedelic Experience - Tim Leary $5.00
The Question of Being: East Wests Perspectives - Mervyn Sprung ed. (Penn
State hb new - $10.00)
The Sabarimalai Pilgrimage & Ayyappan Cultus - Radhika Sekar $5.00
The Silence of God: The Answer to the Buddha - R Panikkar (new hb) $10.00
The Tibetan Book of the Dead - Evens-Wentz pb Oxford new $7.00
The Ultimate Medicine - Nisargadatta Maharaj - Blue Dove $5.00
The Word Speaks to the Faustian Man, vol 1Som Raj Gupta hb. $5.00
The Word Speaks to the Faustian Man, vol 2Som Raj Gupta hb. $5.00
The Word and the World - BK Matilal - $5.00
The Yoga Sutras of patanjali - Swami Satchidananda - 8.00 new
The Yoga Sutra of Patanjali - Bangali Baba 5.00
Thoughts and Aphorisms of Sri Aurobindo - Pondicherry $1.00
Thoughts on Ramayana - Panduranga Rao $5.00
Three Ways o;f Asian Wisdom = Nancy Wilson Ross hb $10.00
Tirumantiran of Tirumular hb $15.00
Vaisnavism: Contemporary Scholars Discuss the Gaudiya Tradition. Steven
Rosen (ed) new $10.00
Varities of Religious Experience - William James hb/old 1963 ed. $5.00
Vasistha's Yoga, Venkatesananda SUNY $10.00
Vedanta Treatise - A Parthasarathy hb $5.00
Walking with a Himalayan Master - Justin O'Brien $10.00
Wisdom of the Mythtellers - Sean Kane - $5.00 (new)
Writings of Sri Krishna Prem - N N Kaul - Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan $5.00
Yatindramatadipika tr Swami Adidevananda (old) $3.00
Yoga: 28 Day exercise plan - Richard Hittleman - 5.00
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