Vital Statistics

N. Ganesan naga_ganesan at HOTMAIL.COM
Fri Jan 7 12:21:42 UTC 2000

>Mathematics is less forgiving and we should remember that the world
>is now using the place value notation which Indians used very early in
>history. Imagine calculus, engineering, computer/microprocesser design
>based on roman numerals and its associated algebra.
>The sanskrit or tamil alphabet is a powerful abstraction, something on the
>lines of the periodic table of elements or taxonomy in biology.

   The roman letters are preferred over the indian kind and, Indian
  place value notation in the world. Both for efficiency.

   The "powerful abstraction" of Sanskrit/Tamil alphabets are 100 %
  retained even while writing in roman.


>yes grammar, but what about phonology. Indian scripts are probably the only
>serious atempts at sound classification based on point of articulation
>voicedness aspiration etc. conjuct consonants can be done away with a
>simple modification which takes away the default minimal short vowel
>associated with all nagari consonants. Lets have an a kI mAtrA.

   Is Phonology not a part of grammatical analysis? Transliteration
in Roman in no way reduces any specialty of Indian phonology.

>One can easily think of schemes which are more efficient than nagari
>or english for e.g. 5 basic consonants( k,ch,T,t,p) 3-4 specifiers for
>frication voicing aspiration etc 5 short vowels with long versions 2
>semivowels ..sibilants..etc such a scheme could easily cover most earthly
>languages with less characters than english. Dominance of english is
>another matter.

  Yes, we can think of many things; However, consideration can be
given to the roman script applied world-wide successfully already.

>How about a roman alpabet which goes like a, A, i, I.. instead of
>haphhazard abcd..

  That is exactly what is done while transliterating Indian

N. Ganesan

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