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Jon Skarpeid jon.skarpeid at HINT.NO
Wed Feb 2 15:39:09 UTC 2000

Dear Victor!

Some of the following articles and books has already been mentioned.
Anyway, I give you the following list(since I am working with hindu-time as
well, please tell me if you know about publications not mentioned in the

Balslev, Anindita Niyogi        A study of time in Indian philosophy,
                                Wiesbaden: O. Harrassowitz  1983.

                        "Cosmology and Hindu Thought", Zygon, vol.
                        25, no. 1. Mars 1990.
                        «Time and the Hindu Experience» In Religion and
                        time, Studies in the history of religions; 54.
                        Edited by  Anindita  Niyogi Balslev and Jitendra
                        Nath Mohanty, 163-181. Leiden 1993.

Bäumer, Bettina,      "Sun, Consciousness and Time: The way of
                        Time and the Timelessness in Kashmir
                        Shaivism", In Concepts of Time; Ancient and Modern, Edited                      by Kapila
Vatsyayan, 73-77, New Delhi 1996.

Dragonetti, Carmen/     "Anaditva or beginninglessness in Indian
Tola, Fernando  Philosophy", Annales of the Bhandarkar Oriental                         Research
Institute 61(1980):1-20.

Best Regards

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