SV: Origins of the "double-truth"
Vidyasankar Sundaresan
vsundaresan at HOTMAIL.COM
Tue Dec 26 22:55:32 UTC 2000
Lars Martin Fosse <lmfosse at ONLINE.NO> wrote:
>transmigration is introduced by Yajnavalkya in the ChandogyaUp. (I
>believe!), it is introduced as a "Geheimlehre". It may not have been a
>universal belief in any of the Indo-European peoples.
1. bRhadAraNyaka up. In the chAndogya, the teacher is uddAlaka
AruNi. yAjnavalkya does not figure in the chAndogya at all.
2. It is not transmigration as such that is secret. It is the
path of the ancestors and the path of the gods that are first
"secret teachings" and then it is knowledge of brahman that
is secret.
3. Although a lot of things are labeled guhya vidyA, most of
them are very open secrets. Nothing very cloak and dagger
about it.
4. An earlier generation of Indologists believed that Indian
belief in transmigration cannot be traced back to any text
older than the upanishads. It is not important in the Rgveda
samhitA, for example. They also saw a contradiction between
rebirth and "ancestor worship". While I disagree with many
assumptions that went behind these stances, I would think
that an idea of rebirth arises naturally in religions where
ancestor veneration (if not worship) is important. Any
discussion of a direction of influence, from India to Greece
or vice versa, has to take a stance on WHEN transmigration
first became important in India itself.
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