publication of IASS papers on CDROM

hans henrich hock hhhock at UX1.CSO.UIUC.EDU
Tue Dec 12 02:49:17 UTC 2000

I strongly support Dominik's view.

Hans Henrich Hock

>As those of you who attended the Torino WSC will know, the conference
>organisers are proposing to publish the conference proceedings as a CDROM,
>not a printed book.
>Personally, I am not happy with a CDROM publication for my own paper.  It
>really needs to be in print or not at all, I think, and for several
>It is a fact, perhaps unfortunate, perhaps not, that the system of
>academic credit is still narrowly focussed on printed publication.
>There are also all sorts of other, technical reasons why a CDROM is
>unsuitable, in my view.  It will almost certainly be unreadable in ten or
>twenty years, whereas a book will still be no problem.  The computer
>screen is no medium for serious reading.  Will special characters be
>elegantly and appropriately handled?  And so on.
>There are also all the issues that have been so elegantly raised by
>Willard Mccarty in several papers, including:
>and others on the same website.
>I know, because people have written to me, that I am not alone in being
>very unhappy at the idea of CDROM-only proceedings.
>May I start a discussion here about this topic, and if a consensus emerges
>that the CDROM is a mistake, then perhaps some of us should send a
>petition along to Torino and to the IASS board and request the parties
>concerned kindly to consider a change of policy on this issue.
>Best wishes,
>Dominik Wujastyk

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