Science Fiction Question for an Indologist (fwd)

Patricia Meredith Greer pmg6s at CMS.MAIL.VIRGINIA.EDU
Mon Dec 11 16:07:06 UTC 2000

See "The Razing of Saubha" in Aranyaparvan of MBh.
3.15-23.  Van Buitenen calls it "an early intance of
science fiction," and it's pretty wild!


> About robots:
>  John Robert Gardner:
> > So far, I thought that the first science fiction novel ever was
> > "Frankenstein" by Mary Shelly. Lately I have been told that this actually
> > is not true, there should have been a woman in India who wrote some
> > science fiction earlier, some kind of robots doing housework should play a
> > role in this. Have you ever heard of this, and if so, can you tell me who
> > the author was?

Patricia M. Greer
Department of Religious Studies
University of Virginia

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