The meaning of the kannada word 'ar.a' in old Kannada

N. Ganesan naga_ganesan at HOTMAIL.COM
Wed Dec 6 14:58:17 UTC 2000

Thanks a bunch for the detailed response. In tamil  "a.ram"(=dharma)
is used regularly.

>'r' is the special 'r.' , some times called as 'shakata rEfa', here.

Is this Kannada repha related to Marathi repha?


DED 262 Ta. 'a_ram' moral or religious duty, virtue, dharma, Yama;
'a_rava_n' one who is virtuous, god, Buddha, ascetic, etc. [...]
Ka. 'a_ra, a_ru' virtue, charity, alms, law, dharma, Yama.
? Cf. 347 Ta. aa_ru

DED 347 Ta. aa_ru (obl. aa_r_ru-) way, road, path ....

Hope one day the old kannada inscriptions and texts appear
on the web, and in translation.

N. Ganesan

I have only DED, not the DEDR. It is a Munshiram Manoharlar Publishers
reprint in 1998. Don't understand why they have reprinted DED,
instead of DEDR!! Hopefully Manohar or others like MLBD will
(re)print DEDR, and there will be a good market. Once, Prof. Emeneau
told me about his current project. Emeneau mentioned that DEDR has
to be vastly expanded to include many more entries. 30-40 years ago,
he was very conservative (then Dravidology was very young).
At his age (90s), he works hard with nobody to help in this project.
When Emeneau said he doesn't know tamil, Schiffman joked, 'do you believe

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