SV: Tamil Muslims/ Re: Aryans

Venkatraman Iyer venkatraman_iyer at HOTMAIL.COM
Tue Dec 5 12:39:03 UTC 2000

Maciej is right about the huge popularity of Aryan claims
in Europe. Some scholarly attempts are made sometimes to maintain a
little distinction.

The problem is succinctly said in the dedication page of
Leon Poliakov's book, The Aryan myth.

Man is an incorrigible genealogist, who spends his whole
life in the search of a father.

(Don Cameron Allen, The legend of Noah, Urbana, Ill., 1949)

Aryan(Sanskrit). Name of the Persians, later of the
Indo-Germanic peoples, who settled in Iran and in north-west
India .... The designation "Aryan" in the sense "not of
Jewish descent" is problematic.

(Trans. from Universal-Lexikon, Cologne, 1968.) "


Maciej St. Zieba [SMTP:mszieba at UW.LUBLIN.PL] skrev 5.
desember 2000 10:32:
 > As far as I have heard (not being specialist in Indo-European
 > ethymology or in Celtic) the word "Eire"/"Ireland", same as "Iran",
 > comes from the same root as "Arya"  - therefore - may be "at least"
 > (some) Celts are also Aryans?

Probably not. I once asked a Norwegian Indo-Europeanist cum Celticist
about this, and he said the connection made between Eire and Aryan was
spurious. But there has been such a theory.

 > I know of two uses of the word Aryan, very frequent
 >         1) Aryan = Indo-European (from this comes the use of
 >"Indo-Aryan" as opposed to "Indo-non-Aryan"  i.e. to Dravidian,
 >Munda, and whatever else)
 >         2) Aryan = Indo-Iranian
 > I don't think the first use is erroneous - it's only a question of
 > convention.

In a scholarly context, the first use is erronous. (Aryans are a
subgroup of the Indo-Europeans). It goes back to a time when being
"Aryan" was supposed to be very nice. The Germans for a period loved
being Aryan, and the term was politicized with the consequences we
know. Today, the non-technical use of "Aryan" should be avoided, since
it is so closely connected to European fascism. Only the Indo-Iranians
were Aryans in the technical sense.

Lars Martin Fosse

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