Democracy in old India
Swaminathan Madhuresan
smadhuresan at YAHOO.COM
Fri Aug 25 14:05:00 UTC 2000
S. Palaniappan wrote:
This is not widely known. But, indeed, the kuTavOlai process
was in existence in CT times also. Consider the following
lines of akanAn2URu 77:7-11.
kayiRu piNi kuzici Olai koNmAr
poRi kaNTu azikkum AvaNa mAkkaLin2
uyir tiRam peyara nal amar kaTanta
taRukaNALar kuTar tarIi teRuvara
ce cevi eruvai ajncuvara ikukkum
This is a love poem of the desolate pAlai landscape. The theme
deals with the hero thinking about a journey through a harsh
land. The description of the land involves vultures and dead
The vultures moving aside the armor/clothes covering dead
warriors' bodies, tearing into the bodies and pulling out the
entrails is compared to the officials removing the seals of
pots that had been bound by ropes and reaching into the pots
and removing the palm leaves.
Even M.G.S. Narayanan (Foundations of South Indian Society
and Culture, 1994, p. 109) says of the CT times that "it may
be inferred that people drawn from different ethnic and
professional groups were being transformed into
land-owning cultivators in course of time."
The Indus valley civilization was a sprawling bronze age
civilization without temples, palaces, royal tombs, monumental
art/architecture. Scholars have demonstarted the absence of
Aryan Vedic religion in the IVC archaeological finds.
Given that Classical Tamil poetry gives a rare glimpse into an
ancient India where the Brahminical varNa hierarchy has
not been established, and folks from all walks of life
participate in literacy production, will it be useful
to model the ivc life more in terms of the CT "tiNai"-type
ideals, rather than the Aryan vertical hierarchy?
Best wishes,
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