SamnyAsin names/ Buddhist Sanskrit proper names

Yashwant Malaiya malaiya at CS.COLOSTATE.EDU
Fri Apr 28 16:49:28 UTC 2000

For Jain monks, the word Suri means Acharya, which is a title.
An Acharya leads an independent order of monks/nuns.

BraahmaNotpattimaartanDa of HariKrishna Sharma mentions 4
sanghas of Jain monks, each with four branches (with
appropriate name endings)

Nandi: kirti, nandi, bhushana, chandra
Simha: simha, gupta, acharya, jayasuri
Sena: sena, bhadra, naga, tunga
Deva:  deva, datta, raj, malla

I'm not sure about his source. There indeed were 4 Sanghas
among the Digambara monks. About shakhas I'm not sure.

Many gurvavalis seem to suggest that it was not necessary
for monks to have the same ending as the teacher. Most
popular Digambara  name-ending is these days is "sagar".
Giri too has been used by Jain monks. The "giri" in "Abhayagiri
Nikaya" of Srilanka comes from the name of a Nirgrantha


Nanda Candran:

> Bauddha monastic names seem to incline towards "ghosa", "kirti" etc
> Ashvaghosa, Buddhaghosa, Dharmakirti, Chandrakirti.

Stephen Hodge

>-sena, -mitra, -gupta, -bhadra, -deva, -bodhi, -mati, -paala
>and -rak.sita.

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