cooking dogs [was: .dombii as scavenger woman]

Michael Witzel witzel at FAS.HARVARD.EDU
Wed Apr 26 14:25:09 UTC 2000

>On Wed, 23 Apr 2000, Michael Witzel wrote:
>word Dom designating  a 'certain low Hindu caste,
>>... small agriculturists and .... drummers' = Hindi Dom(b), Skt. Domba,
>>Pkt. Dumba  (who cook dogs!)

>Who is the authority for this statement on dog-cooking Doms?
>I remember having read about certain castes eating dogs, mentioned
>in Manusmriti, going by a name (I forgot) that translated as "dog-eaters".

I abbreviated that quote: Kuiper says:

Pkt. Dumba- "zvapacaH, DezinamAlA 4.11.


The term "cooking/cooker of dogs" (not other canines) occurs as
zvapaca, according to PW,  in lex., and ZANkh. GRhya S. 2.14
Manu 10.5, Mbh (old count) 3.105 etc., BRhat SaMH. 51.3 etc. etc etc.
RAjataranGiNI 5.390, 392 etc etc.

zvapAka- occurs : Manu 10.19, BhAg Pur. 5.18, Mbh. 7.9135 etc., RAjatar.
5.217 etc etc.


Michael Witzel
Department of Sanskrit & Indian Studies, Harvard University
2 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge MA 02138, USA

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