Prosopis spicigera

S.Kalyanaraman kalyan99 at NETSCAPE.NET
Sat Apr 22 04:23:50 UTC 2000

Gautama Vajracharya <gvvajrac at FACSTAFF.WISC.EDU> wrote:
> I have a question for Indologists.  In India what time of the year Prosopis
> spicigera or ZamI in Sanskrit bears fruits or pods?  I checked several>
books on Indian botany.  But none of them includes the answer of my question.

Indian synonyms for Prosopis - 6993.Manna-like exudation; prosopis spicigera:
banni a prickly tree with an eatable pod, prosopis spicigera (Ka.); Synonyms:
s'ami, saktuphale, s'ive (Ka.); vanni (Ma.); van-n-i(Ta.); banni acacia fe...

For full botanical info. see:

The species was found in archaeological exploration of a chalcolithic site in
Rajasthan called BALATHAL:

Hope this helps. Regards. Dr. S. Kalyanaraman

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