Position open: Center Director, Asian Studies

Kamal Adhikary kamal at LINK.LANIC.UTEXAS.EDU
Fri Apr 7 21:51:22 UTC 2000

Dear Colleagues:
        Please find the following ad for the position of Center Director:

The University of Texas at Austin

The University of Texas at Austin is searching for a senior scholar of
contemporary South Asia to serve as the Director of its Center for Asian
Studies . The Center is the major unit within the University promoting
teaching, research, and outreach activities relating to Asia. Our major
strengths are in South Asia, China, and Japan, and we are a Title VI
National Resource Center for South Asia. The candidate should have a
Ph.D. in any area of contemporary South Asian studies. Preference will be
given to candidates with experience in working with governmental and
educational institutions of South Asia and with federal agencies in the
USA. The appointment will be at the level of Professor in the Center
and/or the disciplinary department relating to the candidate's area of
expertise.  The University would like to move as quickly as possible to
name the new Center Director.  Applications are welcomed from individuals
who could assume this position as early as the Fall semester of 2000, but
applicants who could come only in the Spring of 2001 would also be
considered     The closing date for applications is May 1, 2000, by which
date we need to receive at least a letter of intent and CV.

Please send a letter of interest, current CV, three letters of reference,
and recent publications to:  Chair, Search Committee, Center for Asian
Studies, WCH 4.134, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX
78712-1194. An AA/EEO employer.

The above ad can also be found at:


Kamal R. Adhikary, Ph.D.
Asian Studies,UT, Austin
Email:kamal at asnic.utexas.edu

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