Dates of the written Rgveda

Prasad Velusamy prasad_velusamy at HOTMAIL.COM
Fri Apr 7 01:04:28 UTC 2000

List of apparent references on Vedic literacy, you mean?
I wish I had a definitive list. Then we could look at them
calmly, one by one, and decide together how credible they
are. I'm an outsider - a comparative historian - forced to
reexamine this question for reasons different from those of
Indologists. I need your help. (Falk collects some of these,
but not all, BTW.)


  Yes, whatever references you have on Vedic literacy.
Let me see if I can add to your list. If your theory of
fluidity in the preservation of vedic via oral transmission
is proved, is it possible then too much is (re)constructed and
projected onto the remote Indian past from vedic material? For
example, stray words that may really come from East India of
relatively later times?


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