Is there an alternate to the Bhagavadgita while being sworn in?

S Krishna mahadevasiva at HOTMAIL.COM
Thu Sep 30 17:59:28 UTC 1999

For Hindus, it is normally customary to swear ( in a legal or formal
proceeding) on the BhagavadgItA. I would like to know

a) Are there any alternatives to the BhG in the Hindu tradition? e.g.
I have been told that in some parts of Tamil Nadu, the tirukuRaL substitutes
for the gItA. In zrilaGkA or malaysia where you have Hindu populations, what
is the popular book on which Hindus are sworn in?
Likewise, I've been told that in Fiji, the ramcaritmAnas is used in place of
the BhG...

b) Was the BhagavadgItA used for being sworn in before the British legal
system was adopted in India? According to trial in the traditional Hindu
style, was there any provision for being sworn in?

I would appreciate any information in this regard..


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