Bibliographic information wanted

George Thompson GthomGt at CS.COM
Mon Sep 13 13:15:45 UTC 1999

I do not know whether Mayrhofer's *Kurzegefasstes etymologisches Woerterbuch
des Altindischen* [1956-1976] [= KEWA] is still available. It may well be out
of print now,  since from a certain point of view it is being replaced by
Mayrhofer's *Etymologisches Woerterbuch des Altindoarischen* [1986-present]
[=EWA]. Both are [were] published by Carl Winter.

It would be unfortunate if KEWA really were out of print, because EWA,
although it is an independent and up-to-date dictionary, presupposes access
to KEWA. Mayrhofer's telegraphic style, difficult in itself, is compounded by
his repeated references to KEWA, and if one wants to track down references to
earlier literature, often they cannot be found in EWA because they are
already cited in KEWA.  In other words, one needs both of these invaluable
[and expensive] dictionaries.

As for Macdonell, his *Vedic Grammar* [originally published as part of the
original Grundriss, I believe] is old but still very valuable. Macdonell was
a good, thorough scholar.  His *Vedic Grammar for Students* is less detailed
but still very useful. Of course, a century of research in things like syntax
and individual word-studies has made M's out of date with regard to details,
but as a general description of the language it provides a good foundation. I
myself have not seen the Indian reprint of the original *Vedic Grammar* that
you mention.

I make frequent use of Renou's *Grammaire de la langue ve'dique*, but I've
been told that it too is no longer in print. If you are very ambitious [and
wealthy] there is the multi-volume grammar of Wackernagel and Debrunner.

I hope this is of use,

George Thompson

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