civilizational ardour

Swaminathan Madhuresan smadhuresan at YAHOO.COM
Sat Sep 11 20:10:05 UTC 1999

> Swaminathan M writes :
> >Too much is claimed for the hypothesis of how "civilization"
> >was brought to Tamils, etc., The scholarly consensus is that Aryan
> >homeland is not India itself. Also, classical sangam texts have no
> >contemporaneous counterpart in sanskrit.

> nanda candran rplies:
> If classical Sangam age is between anywhere 500 BC to 500 AD, it is the age
> of the most vigorous philosophical development in Samskrutam literature. It
> was the age of the later Upanishads, the Buddha, Mahavira, the Astika and
> the nAstika schools. Where is the basis for your claim?

   Exactly. Among the philosophical works like Upanishads, etc.,
we do not find a body of lit. paralleling Sangam works. The following
lines have nothing to do with my original posting.


> Some poor folk in Tamil Nadu still sacrifice animals to Gods, drink liquor
> when somebody dies and dance and sing on the streets following the corpse to
> the graveyard.
> Do 'upper caste' Tamils do that? I don't think racially they're different
> from the poor Tamils and have a lot in common in culture and language with
> the poor Tamils.
> So why are they different? And whose is the original culture?
> Did the poor folk descend in terms of culture or did the richer folk ascend?
> And how so? And given the claims of the "secular" nature of
> dravidian culture why is there such a discrepancy in the culture between the
> same people, at all?

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