'civilizational' ardour

Swaminathan Madhuresan smadhuresan at YAHOO.COM
Fri Sep 10 14:29:40 UTC 1999

--- nanda chandran <vpcnk at HOTMAIL.COM> wrote:
> Though there might have been sporadic physical conflicts between the two
> civilizations, later mixing and the 'civilizational' ardour of the brAhmanas
> brought them together as one, with the dravidian culture itself peaking with
> Aryan influence (Buddhism, Janism, Shaivism and Vaishnavism).
> This IMO, seems more realistic as the relationship between the 'Aryans' and
> the 'Dravidians' seem more like a stronger culture to a weaker one, than
> conqueror and conquered.
> And this doesn't in anyway, cut the scope of the theory that the original
> homeland of the Aryans was Bharatvarsha itself.

   Too much is claimed for the hypothesis of how "civilization"
 was brought to Tamils, etc., The scholarly consensus is that Aryan
 homeland is not India itself. Also, classical sangam texts have no
 contemporaneous counterpart in sanskrit.

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