Talageri quote

Koenraad Elst ke.raadsrots at UNICALL.BE
Wed Sep 8 04:29:30 UTC 1999

Prof. Witzel,

I have not misquoted you, nor have I misquoted Prof. Erdosy.  Indeed, you
provide the passages yourself and they do include the words quoted, only
both passages turn out to apply to more people
than just Talageri.  Which I never denied but was outside the scope of the
point I was making.  Thanks for your clarification that the bibliographical
data which betray the false pretence of having consulted Talageri's book
were provided by the book editor rather than by yourself.  Also, I don't
mind if you interpret the middle letter in "AIT" as "immigration" rather
than "invasion": the distinction is unimportant relative to the basic
implication of both, viz. a foreign origin.  Finally, I can inform you that
in a few weeks, Talageri's next book will be published.  It contains a
detailed discussion of your own reconstruction  of Vedic history.
Fortunately, a true scholar has nothing to fear from the lunatic fringe.

Yours sincerely,
Koenraad Elst

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