Decipherment and Aquarius

Koenraad Elst ke.raadsrots at UNICALL.BE
Mon Sep 6 23:49:49 UTC 1999

Dr. Luis Gonzalez-Reimann has a point: Prof. Rajaram isn't into dialogue
with Indology.  This is among other reasons because of its alleged
long-standing refusal of a dialogue with indigenous scholarship.  I don't
know if he's right about that.  But if he's wrong, I'll forgive him that if
he can, as he claims, present us the true decipherment of the Harappan
script (if only because that would blow away this whole quarrel overnight).
After all, G Possehl's recent catalogue of failed decipherments must be an
eyesore to all of us, a cry for the final breakthrough.  Same offer to all
of you who likewise treat the rivalling school with contempt: decipher that
script, and we'll have harmony and understanding, sympathy and trust
abounding, no more falsehood and invasion...

Yours sincerely,
Koenraad Elst

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