Aryan invasion debate

Samar Abbas abbas at IOPB.RES.IN
Sat Sep 4 06:58:26 UTC 1999

On Thu, 2 Sep 1999, Koenraad Elst wrote:
>  I am the lone indologist cited among the Aryan invasion skeptics
Dr. Elst,

 It is good that you have now joined this forum. I am an advocate of the
hard AIT, and would like to see how you respond to our points against the
`pseudo-secular' soft-AIT and the `hindutva' no-AIT. These theories run
into conflict with certain recently established facts :-

- Out of Africa : Molecular genetics has almost conclusively proven that
  all humans came out of Africa. The regional evolution models have been
  discarded, even by Rushton et al. This must be disproven by the AIT
  skeptics, for it automatically implies large-scale migrations across
  continents, and implies an African home for Aryans.

- Negroid Sudras : Again, recent genetics (Bamshad et al. of the Univ. of
  Utah and collaborators at the Univ. of Hyderabad) has shown close
  affinity between Sudroids and African Negroes. A huge corpus of research
  in other fields also bears this out ( all papers' reference is given

Soft and No-AIT models silently assume that the two points given above are
wrong. If so, all the arguments given at the URL located above need to be
refuted by you (there are a lot of them) and the p-secs. Please explain :

- How did Caucasoids develop high nasal indices (ie. how they got braod
  noses) black skin and thick lips to become Sudroids by `climate'?

- How did Caucasoids develop prognathism by standing in the sun ?

- Why is Murungu (East African God) worshipped in South India ?
  Why is the boomerang used by Australoid, Sudroid and Africoid Negroes

- Why are Rhinos, python, elephants found in both Africa and South India ?
  If animals could come and go from Africa to India, why not humans ?
  Surely, polar bears cannot become elephants by standing in the Sun ?

  These are only some of the points against your no-AIT theory from
anthropology. There are of course, others from linguistics, but they are
not `hard' points like the ones above.

  The pseudo-secular (Congress-supported) soft-AIT of Thapar et al goes
down the drain when trying to explain `Why did the Negroes leave North
India to make way for Aryans ?' The only answer is: for the same reason
the American Indians `left' North and South America for Europeans and for
the same reasons Australoid Blacks `left' Australia for Anglo-Saxons. From
this follows the logical correctness of the hard AIT. The continuing
racial wars between Arya and Sudra (Sri Lanka: Sinhalese vs. Tamil, Bihar:
Aryan Ranvir Sena vs. Dalit Maoists) shows that the Vedic race wars
continue today and are the final nail in the coffin of the soft AIT.

Yours Sincerely,

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