Closing remarks to Dr. Vassilkov

Vishal Agarwal vishalagarwal at HOTMAIL.COM
Thu Sep 2 23:48:11 UTC 1999

Dear Dr. Vassilkov,
By dismissing your opponents as ' diletanti', you have unwiittingly mocked
the Engineers and Scientists in this list like Dr. N. Ganesan and
Vidyasamkar Sunderesan who are not professional Indologists either, but
whose posts are highly informed, and well researched. I must admire your
ability to judge a book (and its author as well) by reading a mere 25% of
the review and without exhibiting any signficant knowledge of this issue.
The deceitful way you have twisted my remarks will be clear to those
listmembers (active and passive) who have requested a copy of my private
communication to you. I had even privately sent you an apology for my early
exchange with you in June. But you lack basic decency. Is it not surprising
that Max Mueller used the exact words "Raving and ranting of madmen' and
'charlatans.' to describe the authors of Brahmana texts??

I am shocked that you and Fosse should have misconstrued my statement out of
context and made a bully out of me. I cannot help it if you imagine Saffron
Swastikas and Trishuls in my words. But I am reproducing the entire para of
my message for the List members to see you (and Fosse's) poor text
comprehension and analytical  abilities. (I hope a little more wisdom is
displayed when you folks actually interpret the Sanskrit texts). I will not
be surprised if their  fanciful notions are clearly reflected in their
writings on Indology.
"VA: You seem to  have acknowledged the fact that the AIT theory is drawing
increasing derision in India. It is in the interest of your own self
preservation that you give scholarly responses to your opponents rather than
use pejorative terms against them. Since  you have not posted any response
to them, where does the question of wasting time arise?? For a start, why
not respond to my questions on the date of RV proposed by you. Using these
very linguistic criteria, Mary Boyce places Zarathushtra in the 14th Cent.
B.C.E. (A fact acknowledged by a prominent list member in a private
communication to me). As I said earlier, the relationship between Avestan
and RV language does exist, but not as great as is made out to be."

It is because of the Vassilkovs of Medeival ages that Keplers and Galileos
were persecuted. Thank you anyway for penning another longish,  pathetic
abusive post (even though you did not have time earlier to wrote academic
responses to other objectors in the list like Kalyanaraman, Bryant,
Vidynath, Raoul Martens....)
PS: Since the whole issue has unnecessarily generated controversy, I shall
not be posting the remaining 3 parts of the review. But I wish the
Vassilkovs  had read the other 3 parts before venting their pre-conceived
notions and biases.

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