Sanskrit-Tibetan Textual Work

Thu Oct 28 02:32:27 UTC 1999

> Dr. Paul Harrison of the University of Canterbury, gave a paper a
few years
> ago here in Canberra about the work on the manuscripts in Tabo. (I
> think it was an Austro-Italian project by the way, maybe New
> Zealand-Italian?).

No, it definitely was Austro-Italian -- Harrison himself says so in
his report on tabo which he kindly sent to me a while back -- I'm
sorry I don't have time to dig it out to see where it was published.

> I'm sure he has published accounts somewhere by now but do not have
> references here. Maybe it would be best to contact him directly. I
think he
> may be in London about now (Numata Professorship?).

Yes, in a few days time he will be giving a series of lectures on
early Sukhavati material.

Best wishes,
Stephen Hodge

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