[David Ludden <dludden at sas.upenn.edu>: please distribute this as widely as possible]

David Magier magier at COLUMBIA.EDU
Wed Oct 20 20:51:04 UTC 1999

[[The following position announcement is being forwarded to your
listserv or mailing list from the ACADEMIC POSITIONS section of SARAI
(the WWW Virtual Library for South Asia). Please contact posters
directly for any further info.]]

  The University of Pennsylvania seeks to appoint an Assistant
  Professor in South Asian studies. The search is conducted by a
  committee convened by the Dean of the School of Arts and
  Sciences and is composed of representatives from the
  departments of Anthropology, History, and South Asia Regional
  Studies.  A candidate is being sought who has interest and
  expertise in cultural anthropology, social and cultural
  history, ethnohistory, or folklore; who can contribute to
  interdisciplinary programs; and who has advanced reading and
  speaking skills in a South Asian language.  The tenure-track
  appointment will be made in a department most suitable to the
  candidate's expertise.  To apply, send a cover letter and
  curriculum vitae to the South Asia Search Committee, Office of
  the Dean, School of Arts and Sciences, 116 College Hall,
  Philadelphia, Pa. 19104-6377 by December 1, 1999.  The
  University of Pennsylvania is an equal opportunity/affirmative
  action employer.

David Ludden
History Department
University of Pennsylvania
352B 3401 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6228
phone: 215-222-4277; fax 215-573-2089
homepage: http://www.sas.upenn.edu/~dludden

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