Looking for a book

Aditya, the Hindu Skeptic a018967t at BC.SEFLIN.ORG
Wed Oct 13 00:45:17 UTC 1999

I want to get a copy of a book "Jinnah and Gandhi" by S.K. Majumdar published
in 1966 by Firma K.L.Mukhopadhyay, 6/1A Banchharan Akur Lane, Calcutta-12.
I have explored several booksellers and also written to the address of the
publisher but never got a response from them either.
I will appreciate if any one who living in Calcutta can do some investigation
about the publisher and see if it is still available in print or some one is
willing to sell his/her own copy to me. I will glad to send payment in
Have a peaceful and joyous day.
Aditya Mishra
Primary e-mail: a018967t at bc.seflin.org
Primary homepage: http://www.smart1.net/aditya
ICQ # 1131674 Fax #:  209-315-8571
Random thought of the day:
        Your life would be very empty if you had nothing to regret.

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