Explanation needed for the word 'angula'

K S Arjunwadkar arjunwadkar at MCMAIL.COM
Sun Oct 10 06:20:29 UTC 1999

Priority:               normal
Date sent:              Sat, 9 Oct 1999 15:51:23 +0200
Send reply to:          Indology <INDOLOGY at LISTSERV.LIV.AC.UK>
From:                   Toke Lindegaard Knudsen <tlk at MATH.KU.DK>
Subject:                Explanation needed for the word 'angula'
To:                     INDOLOGY at LISTSERV.LIV.AC.UK

> Dear list-members,
> Can anyone tell me whether the word 'angula', which is used for a
> measure of length in the Brahmanas and Sutras (and possibly also
> many other places), literally means 'finger'?  I am curious as to
> whether this unit was intended as being the breadth of a finger.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Sincerely,
> Toke Lindegaard Knudsen

'Breadth of a finger'  -- yes. 24 fingers make a cubit.

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