Text of _Kaadambariikalyaa.nam_

Robert A. Hueckstedt rah2k at UNIX.MAIL.VIRGINIA.EDU
Mon Nov 22 14:28:10 UTC 1999

List members,
I have been asked by Edwin Gerow to review a book for the JAOS. It is a
translation of the _Kaadambariikalyaa.nam Naa.takam_ by Narasi.mhakavi, an
Andhra playwright of the fourteenth century. The text used by the
translator is:

_The Kaadambariikalyaa.ma.m Naa.takam: A Drama by Narasi.mhakavi_. Ed.
with Skt. intro. by V. Krishnamacharya. Madras: The Educational Publishing
Co., 1936.

Without looking at the original text I feel inadequate to judge the
translation. I have tried Interlibrary loan to no avail. I have sent a
message directly to Allen Thrasher at the Library of Congress. He was
extremely helpful, but not even the venerable LOC has a copy of this text.
Does anyone reading this message happen to have a copy? If so, please
respond off list. I'll be happy to pay for any xeroxing and shipping fees.

Bob Hueckstedt
Professor of Sanskrit and Hindi
B-27 Cabell Hall
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, Virginia 22903
office -- (804) 924-3488

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