Deja Vu Experiences

Dominik Wujastyk ucgadkw at UCL.AC.UK
Fri Nov 5 07:32:31 UTC 1999

On Thu, 4 Nov 1999, Wayne Borody wrote:

> I am presently working on a comparative study of Nietzsche's doctrine of
> Eternal recurrence.

The film Groundhog Day, starring Bill Murray and Andy Macdowell, is
amongst my family's favourites, and is an intriguing treatment of the
recurrence theme.  Does anyone know where PD Ouspensky got the idea for
his recurrence novel, The Strange Life of Ivan Osokin?  Was it Nietzsche?
Or was Ouspensky using ideas picked up during his Indian travels?

Dominik Wujastyk
Founder, INDOLOGY list.

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