When did the gods become literate? Was: Are the gods literate

Venkatraman Iyer venkatraman_iyer at HOTMAIL.COM
Thu Nov 4 12:48:51 UTC 1999

There was a brief period of mahayana in Ceylon history. Known
as abhayagiri vihara heresy. In the last few years, many avalokita
sculptures have been dug out, now incorporated into folk Buddhism as
Natha. Also, there are Kannaki and Skanda deities.

Mahayana sutras gandavyuha, lankavatara, ... are likely southern
texts. manjusrimulakalpa was written in sriparvata mountain.
mahayana sutra material, from Tibetan, Oriental or Buddhist Sanskrit
material, have not been subjected to academic study for south
indian-specific items. Example: The different sites that Sudhana
visits in gandavyuha or the sea deity saving people from ship wrecks
in the lotus sutra (Mallmann connects to Iranian sources,
while silappathikaram and manimekalai have these deities), etc., etc.,

V. Iyer

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