Intensive Intro. Sanskrit in India

hmdplawr at UXMAIL.UST.HK hmdplawr at UXMAIL.UST.HK
Tue Nov 2 15:16:47 UTC 1999

Hi everyone,
     I think this question might have come up before on this list, but I
did not pay attention to it.  I have a graduate student in Buddhist
philosophy who would like to spend two months of next summer in India
beginning to learn Sanskrit.  Instruction that includes conversation
would be ideal, so she can begin to internalize the language.  Some
years ago, I remember some people were studying intensive introductory
Sanskrit with Pt. Vagish Shastri in Varanasi.  Anyway, I would
appreciate suggestions about her best options.  India is not so far from
Hong Kong, so she could go there easily with a small grant.
     David Lawrence
     Division of Humanities
     Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

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