VarNa & JAti
Balaji Hebbar
bhebbar at EROLS.COM
Fri May 28 14:41:20 UTC 1999
To further comment on this:
I forgot there is also a "fourth secular modern" meal area in
DharmasthaLa with table meals for those who choose not to sit
in any of the 3 panktis mentioned before. This came to my
mind because when I had taken an American Jesuit priest a few
years back, the HeggaDE (after our interview with him) asked
his assistant that we be seated in the "secular fourth area"!
Normally when I go there with my family, we go there ddressed
like traditional MAdhva-VaishNava brahmins and we are asked to
sit in the brahmin dining area.
This has never been a problem anywhere in coastal Karnatak. I
would even add Uttar Karnatak. The LingAyats and the Jains
there have their own ritual and dietary restrictions and they
fully understand if brahmins have their own. There is a sort
of mutual respect. In fact both LingAyats as well as Jains do
not allow people who do not belong to their groups into their
kitchen areas.
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