Pronunciation of word final "a" in sanskrit

Periannan Chandrasekaran perichandra at YAHOO.COM
Fri May 28 14:57:02 UTC 1999

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robert Zydenbos [mailto:zydenbos at BIGFOOT.DE]
> Sent: Thursday, May 27, 1999 5:12 PM
> Subject: Re: Pronunciation of word final "a" in sanskrit
> > Date:          Wed, 26 May 1999 09:49:17 -0700
> > From:          Periannan Chandrasekaran <perichandra at YAHOO.COM>
> > Maybe Madhuresan should have taken care to specify that
> these mappings
> > apply
> > for naming conventions before "modernization" due to influence from
> > Hindi or the northern culture.
> > Wouldn't the Kannada names have been narAyaNa, ranganAthA
> etc., until
> > a few generations ago?
> Yes, approximately just one generation ago. A very cursory reading of
> a variety of  Kannada texts will reveal that this clipping of the
> final 'a' is very recent. It seems typical of the middle and lower
> classes of the more urbanised areas of southern Karnataka; not in
> rural areas, nor so much in northern Karnataka, nor among the more
> highly traditionally conscious segments of the population. It is not
> a caste-bound phenomenon.
> > I have also been curious about the "age" of names such as
> anil, sunil
> > among kannadigas. Were these popular say till the end of the last
> > century?
> It does not seem so. This is probably a combination of factors: (a)
> increased popular familiarity with northern India as a consequence of
> the Independence movement, (b) Hindi cinema, (c) names recently
> 'imported' from the north,

As is evidenced by clipping of the word-final "a" in Karnataka to
"Karnatak" by a kanndaiga himself in the midst of this very discussion
        Balaji Hebbar <bhebbar at EROLS.COM>
        Re: VarNa & JAti
This  has  never  been  a  problem  anywhere  in  coastal  Karnatak.  I
would  even  add  Uttar  Karnatak.  ............

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