Balaji Hebbar
bhebbar at EROLS.COM
Sun May 23 01:36:59 UTC 1999
Mr. Balasubramaniam:
Yes, I am aware of the practice among certain Tamil SmArtas
who wear "gopIcandana" in the day time and "bhasma" in the
evenings. I had a good friend PaNDitaratna Candramouli Iyer who
did this. In TuLunAD also, a small section of TuLu brahmins
who still follow the SmArta sampradAya do the same. I am not
surprised at all because Shankara included the ShaNmatas
(Shaivas, ShAktas, BhAgavatas, GANapatyas, KaumAreyas and Sauras)
within the aegis of his SmArta sampradAya. TyAgarAja, the
famous 17th century Carnatic music composer was a Telegu SmArta
of the BhAgavata sampradAya and he wore gopicandana. However, I
do not find such a practice among the KannaDiga smArtas of
the Deccan hinterland.
With regard to your other question the MAdhva praxis of the
samidhAdhAnam, I will find out for you. Thanks for your
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