Gentoo studies

Paul Kekai Manansala kekai at JPS.NET
Fri May 21 04:06:53 UTC 1999

Swaminathan Madhuresan wrote:
>    Interested in Indian authors who counter the works of
>    Indigenous Aryanism. For example, negative criticism on
>    the works by Frawley, Kak, Rajaram and Talegiri. References please.
>    Is it done usually by authors with a Dalit background?

Dilip Chakrabarti, whom I consider one of the finest Indian Indologists
around, critized Kak, Frawley et al.  Of course, he also criticizes
"colonial Indologists."  The name "Chakrabarti" sounds like a Sakadweepi
or other East Indian brahmin.

Paul Kekai Manansala

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