Ma~Nju/SrImUlakalpa and MaNimEkalai
Chandrasekaran, Periannan
Periannan.Chandrasekaran at DELTA-AIR.COM
Wed Mar 17 01:18:12 UTC 1999
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sudalaimuthu Palaniappan [mailto:Palaniappa at AOL.COM]
> One place is called
> elangkon or elangkor. In
> Tamil, "i" cannot occur in word-initial position. So often in
> borrowed words
> "i" is added in front. Sanskrit lankA will become Tamil ilagkai.
Palaniappan, there is a type here, I suppose.
you must be meaning that a Tamil word cannot begin
with "l" (as in "laGkA") not "i".
> The
> alternation of word-initial "i" with "e" has been discussed
> in the list
> already. So Ptolemy's "elangkor/elangkon" may represent a
> possible lankA on
> the Kerala coast near Potiyil. We do have another "ilagkai"
> in the Tamil
> region attested in CT texts.
In the sangkam era text, ciRupANARRuppaTai,
composed in the cnourt of the king "OymAn2 nalliyakkOTan2"
mentions "mAilaGkai" as his capital and that place as named after
the "great and ancient ilaGkai"...
naRu vI nAkamum akilum Aramum
tuRaiyoTu makaLirkkut tOL puNai Akiya
poru pun2al tharUum pOkkaru marapin2
thon2 mA ilaGkai karuvoTu peyariya
nan2 mA ilaGkai man2n2aruLLum
uRupulit tuppin2 Oviyar perumakan2" [ciRupANARRuppaTai:116-122]
The commentator naccin2Arkkin2iyar says:
"the good and great mAilaGkai which is rich in the water
that provides the woods of trees such as ...sandal as rafts
for the bathing women, the mA ilaGkai which is hard for
anyone to destroy because of the auspicious time when it was
founded, the mA ilaGkai which is named after the great and ancient
ilaGkai...he is descended from the kings of mA ilaGkai belonging to
the Oviyar clan ".
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