River Krishna

S.Kalyanaraman kalyan99 at NETSCAPE.NET
Sat Mar 20 20:40:58 UTC 1999

"Bh.Krishnamurti" <bhk at HD1.VSNL.NET.IN> wrote:
> The possible related group I can think of is DEDR 4160a. *pee.n-:*pe.n-V->
'to twine, twist' with cognates in all subgroups. wee.nii is perhaps derived>
from this verb. I do not have Mayrhoffer readily to check. The course of a >
river looks like a long plaited hair (which is what wee.nii means in >
wee.niisaMhaara 'untying the wee.nii'). This accounts for Kr.s.nawee.nii...

Thanks for the insight. One may also refer to DEDR 3668:
nin.a (-pp-, -nt-/-tt-) to braid (Ta.); nin. twisted string (To.); nin.e,
nen., nine a wick (Tu.)

ve_y (-v-, -nt-) to thatch (Ta.); ve_yn to thatch (Gadba); ve_n! (Parji)

Hence, ve_n.i (Skt.)? bani = a current of water caused by heavy rain (Malt.)?

Dr. S. Kalyanaraman

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