Dravidian: Mother of Indo...

keerthi kumar v.k.kumar at EXCITE.COM
Tue Mar 16 05:59:46 UTC 1999

Dear Dhanesh Kumar,
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. Yes it is the same author, but I
am afraid you have my titles mixed up. The Sumerians: 'Their True Identity
and the Evidences for it' was the tittle of my first work. 'Discovery of
Cryptography' was the tittle of my second work. Discovery of Dravidian as
the Common Source of Indo-European is the tittle of my third work which I
hosted on the web (http://www.datanumeric/dravidian) on Feb.25,99. This
perhaps will be my last work since  have covered the Dravidian phenomenon
from the earliest times (The Sumerians) to the present. Please do look it up
if you find some time.

I believe that I have written it as simple as the subject can be treated,
especially since most (or almost all) Dravidian scholars do not have any
idea about the European lingustic aspect in its dravidian context. If you
have any questions please ask me before you venture to discuss it with other
scholars because we have to be extremely carefull as to what we say since
the subject concerns most sensitive aspect of India, the Indians, and the
total Indian phenomenon.

Some scholars are saying hat this last work is the greatest detecttve work
of the present millennium if not since Panini (aout 500 BC.). Some European
scholars ae aghast at the thought of the Dravidians being their forefathers.
But the linguistic evidence I have illustrated is solid and on accepted
scientific basis. In order to deny the evidence, they will have to deny what
they have done so far in Linguistics! The safe thing for them for the time
bein is to keep quiet, and sme have kept quiet, but I have the copyright!.

As may have already noticed in the Acknowledgements of the above noted work,
I have kept my promise and have dedicated the work to sme scholars in Dallas
who have contributed if not to this work but to others, as you well know. I
mentioned some scholars in St.paul in my work concerning Cryptography which
also you know.

I assume that you got the web site code of this work from those scholars in
dallas. I thought they would. I am glad they did. Please keep in contact
with them constantly for my sake.

On a personal note: I will talk to you later on E-mail.

With best regards (and also on a personal note hugs and kisses).

V.Keerthi Kumar.

On         Thu, 11 Mar 1999 10:30:41 EST, Keerthi Kumar wrote:

> I have read about this mind boggling phenomenon before. Are you the same
> author who wrote of The Dravidian and their identity? Fascinating. Simply
> fascinating.  Please reply to this address. Love to here from you. I will
> access your new site with your new address. Thanks and as always I am
> here!
> With best Regards,
> Dhanesh Kumar.

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