Sources of lexicography

Michael Witzel witzel at FAS.HARVARD.EDU
Fri Mar 5 18:43:34 UTC 1999

At 15:46 +0200 3/5/99, Klaus Karttunen wrote:
>, what did MW mean,
>when he referred to the first edition of his own dictionary. Had he
>forgotten, where the word was taken into the dictionary or what?

Vanity. --See p. xxxii (his own notes from various texts)....

Michael Witzel
Wales Professor of Sanskrit

Dept. of Sanskrit & Indian Studies,
Harvard University                    
2 Divinity Avenue                               (Electr. Journ. of Vedic Stud.)
Cambridge MA 02138, USA

phone: 1- 617 - 495 3295 (voice & messages), 496 8570, fax 617 - 496 8571
my direct line (also for messages) :  617- 496 2990
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witzel at

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