Standard for manuscript descriptions (fwd)

Dominik Wujastyk ucgadkw at UCL.AC.UK
Wed Jun 30 00:29:20 UTC 1999

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 12:30:54 +0100
From: Peter Robinson <peter.robinson at ENGLISH.OXFORD.AC.UK>
Reply-To: Electronic Access to Medieval ManuscriptS
Subject: Standard for manuscript descriptions

**** Towards a standard for encoding manuscript descriptions in electronic

Over the past year, a group of manuscript scholars and experts on encoding
of machine-readable texts have been working to define a standard for
representing manuscript descriptions in electronic form.  This work has
been carried forward by a Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) workgroup on
manuscript descriptions, co-chaired by Consuelo Dutschke and Ambrogio
Piazzoni, in partnership with members of the European Union-funded MASTER
project ('Manuscript Access through Standards for Electronic Records'), led
by Peter Robinson.

        The aim of this work is to define a Text Encoding Initiative (TEI)
implementation of SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) capable of
holding manuscript descriptions in electronic form.  Following a series of
meetings and discussions among the members of the TEI and MASTER groups
('the proposers'), a draft standard has been formulated.  A paper
describing this draft standard, together with summaries of discussion and
subsequent agreements by the proposers, has now been posted to

A Word version of the document is available at

        We welcome comments and discussion on this paper.  Such comments
should be directed to the EAMMS discussion list (at
EAMMS at MOE.COMPUTING.CSBSJU.EDU) by members of that list; non-members of the
EAMMS list should apply to

       master at

from where their request for membership will be passed on to the EAMMS
list.  The EAMMS list has been established for participants and interested
parties in two American projects, Electronic Access to Medieval
Manuscripts and Digital Scriptorium, which are closely linked to the TEI
and MASTER groups sponsoring these proposals.

Peter Robinson

***NOTE NEW EMAILS: peter.robinson at *********
*****************OR: peter.robinson at********************

Director, Centre for Technology and the Arts
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
De Montfort University, The Gateway, Leicester LE1 5XY, UK
Phone +44 (0)116 250 6495, fax 257 7250.

The Canterbury Tales Project
Centre for Socio-legal Studies, Wolfson College
Linton Road, Oxford OX2 6UD
Phone +44 (0)1865 284245, fax 284221.

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