Is "Sanskrit" Dravidian?

Paul Kekai Manansala kekai at JPS.NET
Sat Jun 12 02:58:37 UTC 1999

"N.Ganesan" wrote:

> Earlier I wrote about the contrasts about Dravidian and Austric
> cultures in India. Munda prsence is felt only in the Eastern India.
> If Austric contribution is vast, why it was never committed
> to writing, and also always with tribals?

The Austric presence really extends beyond Eastern India. As we are
limited to only one screen of text here it would be impossible to make
my case on this forum.  Last time I got started, I mysteriously found
myself suddenly unable to post to the list.  Eventually had to
resubscribe. However, I've written on this subject elsewhere. Check
out the website below and some of the related links.

Paul Kekai Manansala

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